Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Botswana x 1 week

Above was one of the most notable sightings during my first 5 days in Botswana--a lioness had just killed a baby zebra...our safari group was close enough to hear and see the abdominal contents being eaten (gross!!!).

Those lazy lions!!

I think this was the first time I'd seen giraffes drinking in the wild.

Paying exquisite detail to cleaning that left front foot!

These zebras and 2 elephants had to keep getting chased off the airstrip in order for the Cessna to land to take me to Maun.

Elephant footprint vs. MK. BTW, I'd like to take this opportunity to pronounce my undying love for my Crocs!!!  Sure, they're a bit ugly, but they are simply the most functional shoes around!  This pair has traveled with me starting on the John Muir Trail in 2009 and have gone to Myanmar, Mongolia, multiple other backpacking trips, and now this trip!!!

I'm amazed at what these LandCruisers have to drive through...including small ponds.

A Dutch woman in my group said these ostriches are like politicians... Mouths wide open with nothing coming out  :-) 

Sorry, Ethiopia, but the hippos here are a bit more visible (but also WAAAAY smellier).

Meet Thandi!  She is a sweetheart of a dog who belongs to Steve H. And Jill T.  They were kind enough to allow me to stay at their house in Gaborone when I first arrived in Botswana and sent me off to Kwando Safari, who I'd highly recommend for seeing wildlife here!  Behind Thandi is the greenness of Gaborone after 6 days of non-stop rain (I'm glad I arrived just after that!!).  

I've since started spaying and neutering various Botswanan street mutts but haven't had time to collect pictures yet...I will do that shortly!


  1. Elephant footprint vs yours. So cute. Those crocs are incredible to have gone so many places with you. Sobering pic of the lion eating the zebra stomach. Thanks, Margaret. We are toasting you at the wine tastings. Rick

    1. I just discovered how to reply to comments(!). Thanks, Rick!! I miss wine :'( Please drink some Bourgogne for me!! :-)
