Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Some other favorite photos I neglected from Morocco

Chefchaouen, one of the prettiest towns in central-northern Morocco in the Rif Mountains, with beautiful pastel blue walls in the Medina (older section of town, with residential and shopping & dining areas)...quiet, peaceful and with some nice hiking nearby!  (Also, if you're into hashish, known as kif here, this is the perfect place for you!  I am not personally a fan, as wine is my drug of choice).  :-)

Literally fresh-squeezed orange juice, right on the spot, in Rabat, the capital of Morocco, for the equivalent of $0.50...pulpy & delicious!

Storks who have taken up residence on the top floor of the ruins of El Badii Palace in Marrakech

Tiles representing the Star of David...I visited a synagogue in the Mellah (historically Jewish areas of Medinas) when I met up with 2 German tourists who had been in Marrakech for 3 days and were keen to see something different.  Beautiful and extremely welcoming synagogue!
A sweet poem in the Museum of Marrakech

Waiting for some leftovers, perhaps?  No, I think he's just meditating...

Boats docked in the lovely, calm fishing town of Essaouira on the southern coast of Morocco
Bicycle!!  No hills in Essaouira to huff up. 

This friendly fellow came up and acted cute, then bit his canine teeth into my backpack (I still have the punctures as evidence!), and then proceeded to engage a chummy romp with an apparent café buddy:

Essaouira street art of a well known music instructor in Morocco who has since passed away (I'm sorry I can't recall his name)

Patient feline waiting in the cart that is used to fashion fishing bait

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